Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Doushite Kimi Wo Suki Ni Natte Shimattandarou

why did i fall in love with you?
no matter how much time has flown by
i thought you would always be here
but what you close was a different path
why couldn't i get through to you?
the feelings get stronger day and night
the overflowing words
although understood, will never reach you again
from the day we first met
i felt like i've know you
we melted into each other so naturally
we went everywhere together, you would always be there
we've grown up together
but what you chose was a different path

why did i fall in love with you?
no matter how much time has flown by
i thought you would always be here
but i can't go back anymore
this day of special meaning
this day you stand with a happy face
beautifully praying to god
beside someone who's not me and being blessed
how shall i let that go?

so why did i fall in love with you?
what we did during those days
i can't return to it anymore
(i've thought it over)
why couldn't i hold onto your hand?
no matter how much time has flown by
i thought you would always be beside me
(just like we were)

even though you're away from my side
i'm just praying you'll be happy for eternity
no matter how lonely i may be
(how lonely i may be)

Senin, 06 Juni 2011

nemuin foto masa dulu difb icha :)

Ngakak banget nemuin foto-foto jaman SMA yang acak kadut, ini semua terjadi dirumah indy padahal orangnya mah ga ada sumpah pada ga punya malu ngacak-ngacak rumah orang, nonton tv, ampe ngemilin cemilan yang ada diruang tahun.
kita tuh lagi nungguin indy pulang soalnya kita mau ngasih suprise ulang tahun tapi karena indynya lama jd kita ngacak-ngacak rumahnya deh, hehehe..
liat deh kelakuan kita dirumah indy, check it out :

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011


sedikit cerita tentang film ya...
sebenernya sih belum nonton sampe selesai soalnya ga tau nih tiba-tiba macet, macetnya masih diawal lagi tapi baru nonton awalnya aja udah terkesan banget kayanya sih rame nih film. saya jg tau n ngopy filmnya dari temen kampus saya yang bernama diah cerewet, hahaha...
adegan yang bikin berkesan dan ngerasa aneh aja, haha..

cerita yang saya tangkep diawal sih jadi mereka  ini bersahabat dari kecil tapi anak laki-lakinya punya penyakit jantung gitu jadi cuma bisa bertahan sampe umur 20 tahun, adegan ini awalnya anak cewe itu lagi nyari rumput permohonan gitu, dia ingin mohon supaya itu cowo jangan diambil alias disembuhin lagi terus ntu anak cewe teriak-teriak ampe mewek terus ama cowonya dicium, hahahhahaha...
rada risih juga sih liatnya masih bocah tapi kelihatan lebih natural dan polos klo dilakuin ama anak2 beda lagi ceritanya klo orang besar, hahahaha....
haduh akhirnya apa ya?
mudah-mudahan aja mereka terus bersama, aminnnn...

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